Plate tectonics

  Tsunamis, earthquakes, and volcanoes are caused by the same thing; plate tectonics movement.
Plate tectonics are pieces of the earth’s crust, moving across the litosphere, crashing, and separating one from each other. There are seven major plates, and lots of smaller ones. There are different types of plate movements; collision movement, destructive movement, conservative movement, and constructive movement.
  Collision movement causes mountains to be formed. On destructive movements, one plate goes under the other. In conservative movement, plates move towards each other, without crashing. On constructive movement plates separate one from each other, which causes magma to go outside the crust and form volcanoes.
  All of these movements cause earthquakes. Earthquakes are measured with seismographs, on the richer scale. An earthquake of 5.0 on this scale can cause many damages and even kill people.
  Volcanoes are caused by constructive movements, but they have advantages and disadvantages. They can bring tourism, or be used for geothermal energy. Also many minerals can be found near volcanoes.
  Although we can’t stop natural hazards from happening, we can prevent them. There are many countries in which people are used to earthquakes, and know how to act in case of one. Also, buildings can be built to support them. There are lots of things we can do to prevent natural hazards.


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